Slice up the pods French style, lengthwise, and stirfry lightly with garlic, soy sauce, chicken, shrimp, tofu, or whatever protein you like. Fry only until pods are still bright green and firm – don’t overcook. The result is light, crunchy, slightly sweet and very tasty. Wing beans are popular in Thai and Filipino dishes, and they’re highly nutritious, too. The roots, leaves and flowers are also edible, but I have to admit I like the beans best. I don't eat the other parts anyway because if I do, that reduces the bean harvest.
Be it resolved that this year I will grow even more of my food. I'll plant wing beans, since they're incredibly easy to grow – they’re perfect starter plants for beginner gardeners and children who need almost guaranteed success to stay motivated. The plants are vigorous growers and extremely prolific here in East Hawai'i, which is not surprising since the plant does best in warm, humid areas with high rainfall – it's native to Papua New Guinea.
The roots fix nitrogen, and the plant needs very little fertilizer to flourish. I’ve had very few problems with insects and diseases